If you want to know the quickest way to gain confidence and to grow in your personal development - STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! I am such a huge advocate for this. To reach your goals and to grow as a person you must continually challenge yourself and push past the restraints of your comfort zone.
As a child I was extremely shy and timid. As a teenager I was very self concious and I had a very bad body image. Then I realized how many amazing opportunities and experiences I was missing out on, and for what reason? The reason was the restraints that were my own creation and existed totally in my own head!! We all have this story that we run on sub-conciously and we live our lives according to our 'story'. This dictates what risks we will take, our financial situation, our health etc. So after this epiphany I set out on a new mission of self development. Change must begin from within. I began to change the inner monologue and the story I was telling myself. I created an image of the person that I wanted to become and set myself some new goals. I began to step outside my comfort zone and take on new challenges. So many times I wanted to turn around, run away and hide - but I continued to persevere and I am so glad that I did! The confidence you gain every time you take on a new challenge head on is priceless. I have only just started to scratch the surface of the things that I want to achieve and I know there is so much more to come. My past experiences of success whether big or small drives me to achieve bigger and better dreams!
One of my dreams as a teenager was to be a ring girl at a boxing match. I had watched the gorgeous girls on the TV and it just looked like so much fun - but because of my body image and lack of confidence I never thought that dream would be attainable. Recently the opportunity was presented for me to be a part of the Gold Coast Bikini ring girls team and I jumped at the chance. The same feelings of doubt, fear and inadequacy began to surface. There were moments when I thought I wouldn't be able to do it and I considered pulling out-but I pushed through those old patterns that were trying to make a come back. I am so grateful that I did! I had a wonderful time and it is more of the proof that cements my belief in the fact that whatever you put your mind to - you can achieve!
Whatever the Mind can Conceive and Believe the Mind can ACHIEVE!! xx
#Live #Dream #Succeed #Love